We offer three types of memberships. All members must be 16 years of age or older.
Affiliated- with vest – you will become affiliated as a ‘First Claim’ runner to Littledown Harriers and your membership includes England Athletics (EA) membership fees. A club vest is included in your initial membership application fee. If you enter a race as an Affiliated Littledown Harrier club runner, you will usually be entitled to a reduced entry fee in races, however you are required to wear the club vest. It is important to raise the profile of the club and what better way than to see Harrier vests zipping through a race!
Affiliated- without vest – same as above, you will become affiliated as a ‘First Claim’ runner to Littledown Harriers and your membership includes England Athletics (EA) membership fees. Your club vest is NOT included in your initial membership fee, but you will be required to purchase one before you can race as a Littledown Harrier. This membership option is for runners who wish to race as a Harrier but would like to spread the cost of membership and a vest – ideal if you are not planning on racing straight away after you join. It is also a good option for any returning members who already have a vest from years gone by!
Social / Non-affiliated – this membership allows you to run on training nights with the club, but not to race in running events under the club name and consequently you do not need to pay EA Fees. This might be suited to some runners who do not have time to race and would prefer to just run socially with the club.
Second Claim – this option is for runners who already have a First Claim Club and are already UKA affiliated with them. We will require the name of your First Claim Running Club and your UKA Membership Number to be able to submit your application.
How to apply – you can apply for any membership type by clicking on the link at the end of this page or on the home page. The link will direct you to our application forms.
Under the ‘Select’ menu choose either the affiliated (with or without vest), social/non-affiliated or second claim memberships application form.
Please complete the details and submit your application. We will then review your application and once we have all the correct information, we will send you an email invitation asking you to complete your membership application and pay your subs. Dependant on the time of year you join us, reduced membership fees may be available. Please discuss this with the memberships secretary on joining. Please note that we do reserve the right to refuse any membership applications. All members must be 16 years of age or older.
Contact Us if you have any further questions.
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